Tuesday, December 17, 2013

WSU Commuter Student Drive time and Distance Analysis

For this assignment, we had to figure out the average driving time and distance for a WSU commuter student. I used  Network Analyst OD Matrix to solve this big question. The analysis includes how many commuter students are Continuing Education, Graduate, and Undergraduate students at WSU. The mean driving time and distance for each group of students, and in total is displayed in a table. Take a look!
The link belong brings you to my analysis.

WSU Commuter Student Drive Time and Distance Analysis

Monday, November 25, 2013

The map below displays three different tools that can be used to show a 20 mile radius around the community colleges in Massachusetts. The three different tools are the geoprocessing buffer tool, the Euclidean distance tool, and Network Analyst. Take a look!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Here is the Viewshed for a 400 foot wind turbine placed on the highest point(365 meters) on Mount Tom in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Displayed is also Easthampton and Southampton.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Suppose we wanted figure out where on Mount Tom, in Holyoke, Massachusetts would be a suitable place for a wind turbine. How would we go about doing it? This document contains the procedure of analysis, a table with data layers, a table with the main geoprocessing tools used, as well as documentation of the work. This analysis is done in Arcmap.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Here are two Google Earth maps of Adams and Otis. The polygons are all of the locations in both towns suitable to the three criteria for a solar-wind farm. The three criteria were: The site has to have a slope angle of 20 degrees or less, or flat, the slope has to have a southerly aspect of 135 to 225 degrees, and the wind speed at 30 meters has to be above 5 meters per second.